Apr 11, 2019
Welcome to the Inside Silverstone™ podcast, season two!
In episode #21 your host, Chris Broome, holds the very first of a brand new initiative called, the Mastermind Sessions.
Here Chris will showcase the added-value each professional advice firm within the Silverstone Technology Cluster can provide to all members; including businesses; their owners; and their employees.
The overriding objective of the session will be for each expert to bring to the table ideas and methods that they would potentially recommend to help solve a specific challenge a business may be facing.
Mastermind Session #1 is called: Capital Raising for Dummies.
We are joined by Matthew Lawley (Barclays); Ryan Shields (Grant Thornton); Kirsty Simmonds (EMW Law); and Tom Haywood (Froesight Group).
**Listener notice** We have now recorded c.40 episodes of the podcast, with #21 being aired today. During this very episode you will experience a dip in audio quality, which is due to a malfunction with the recording equipment that we didn't realise until after the recording. As a team we made a decision to still air this episode. We apologise for any reduction in your listening experience.
**Legal notice** The purpose of the Mastermind Sessions recording is to provide a brief overview of the types of issues a typical business owner faces. It is not intended as formal professional advice. If you require assistance with your particular circumstances, we recommend that professional advice be sought from a qualified expert.
Don't forget to check out the Longhurst website for more great content.
Would you like to appear on the podcast? Own a business or work in/around the Silverstone business or motor-sport region? Have a story or/and knowledge to share?
Get in contact with Chris on insidesilverstone@longhurst.co.uk, or reach out on Twitter @SilverstonePod.
Chris Broome is first and foremost a big tech, motor-sport, and gaming fan. So the opportunity to host a podcast focusing on these topics was too good to turn down.
In his day-to-day life Chris is a Chartered Financial Planner and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Insurers.
His business, Longhurst, has a niche providing financial advice to clients and businesses who work in the tech, innovation, and engineering sectors.
Their head office is located on Silverstone Park, Northamptonshire.
'A business plan without a personal plan is pointless.'