Oct 10, 2018
Welcome to the Inside Silverstone™ podcast!
In episode #4 your host, Chris Broome, interviews Mike Hayward, Partner, Transport & Regulatory solicitor, at Woodfines LLP.
Listen as Mike explains how to ensure your business keeps its commercial vehicles (and drivers) on the road; explains some of the common pit-falls to watch out for when it comes to transport law; and the reasons why Woodfines committed to a membership within the Silverstone Technology Cluster.
You will also find out about Mike's career to-date; his passion for supporting the next generation; life living and working in South Northamptonshire; and how a multi-pack of Twix chocolate bars nearly caused a scene in court.
Don't forget to check out the Longhurst website for more great content.
Would you like to appear on the podcast? Own a business or work in/around the Silverstone business or motor-sport region? Have a story or/and knowledge to share?
Get in contact with Chris on insidesilverstone@longhurst.co.uk, or reach out on Twitter @SilverstonePod.
Chris Broome is first and foremost a big tech, motor-sport, and gaming fan. So the opportunity to host a podcast focusing on these topics was too good to turn down.
In his day-to-day life Chris is a Chartered Financial Planner and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Insurers.
His business, Longhurst, has a niche providing financial advice to clients and businesses who work in the tech, innovation, and engineering sectors.
Their head office is located on Silverstone Park, Northamptonshire.
'A business plan without a personal plan is pointless.'